Monday, 2 May 2011

Osama dead

Wow Can't believe I am finally hearing these words. The man who represented terrorism and used gullible young men to meet his evil agenda to spread fear and terror in the world. This man who propagated bravery and death in the name of religion, died while trying to shield himself with a woman's body. Wow how brave of him. I hope the new young men who blindly follow such propagators of evil think twice before following. Today we rejoice the victory of good over evil.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011


Does Canned Food and Bottled Water Increase Your Abdominal Fat Through Hidden Chemicals?
canned foods with BPA...and 9 Tips to Minimize Your Exposure to these Harmful Chemicals
by Mike Geary - Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Nutrition Specialist
Author of best-selling program -
The Truth About 6-Pack Abs

You may have started hearing in the news about some of the hidden chemicals that might be lurking in your canned foods and bottled water and other drinks.  Some of them are known as xenoestrogens, which have the potential to cause serious health problems over time, as well as increase abdominal fat from the estrogenic effect.
Today, I want to share with you some important details about one of the MOST problematic chemicals that you're being exposed to specifically from canned foods and bottled drinks, etc...
It's called Bisphenol A (BPA).
BPA can be found as a component of some types of plastic bottles, and also in the lining inside of canned foods.
Since BPA is a known "xenoestrogen", it's been linked in animal studies (at surprisingly small doses) to all sorts of various health issues such as cancer, metabolic disorders, heart disease, diabetes, and fertility problems and birth defects or miscarriages... and of course, any xenoestrogens in large enough amounts can trigger your body to hold onto abdominal fat (aka - stubborn belly fat).
The major offenders to look for are polycarbonate bottles (some plastics with the #7 symbol on the bottom are polycarbonate, but not all) and also canned foods, since the lining of most canned foods contains BPA, which can leach into food.  The longer that a can of food sits on a shelf and the higher the temperature, the more BPA can leach into your food. The same can be said for polycarbonate bottles that contain food or drinks.
According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), BPA was detected in the bodies of 95% of Americans in one CDC study (this is a worldwide issue though, not just limited to the US).  This is nothing to shrug off either... look at this scary finding...
The Environmental Working Group reports, "analysis of our tests reveals that for one of every five cans tested, and for one-third of all vegetables and pastas (ravioli and noodles with tomato sauce), a single serving would expose a pregnant woman to BPA at levels that fall within a factor of 5 of doses linked to birth defects — permanent damage of developing male reproductive organs".
If that didn't get your attention, how about this... 
The EWG also reports evidence of... "An investigation demonstrating that low doses of BPA spur both the formation and growth of fat cells, the two factors that drive obesity in humans (Masumo et al. 2002)."
This is not surprising, since as I mentioned at the beginning of this article, BPA is a known xenoestrogen, and any xenoestrogens can contribute to what's been referred to as "stubborn abdominal fat" as well as cancer and other health problems.
It's also important to note that any canned tomato products (canned ravioli, pastas, canned tomato pastes, tomato sauces, etc) are some of the biggest offenders with the highest BPA concentrations due to the acidic nature of tomatoes, which leaches more of the BPA.
So what steps can you take to minimize your exposure to BPA and it's negative effects on bodyfat and other health risks?
 1. Try to always avoid canned foods as much as possible and choose frozen or fresh foods instead.  Buy the ingredients yourself and prepare the meal the old fashioned way instead of resorting to canned foods.  Also, a better alternative to canned foods is products in glass containers.
 2.  If you do resort to using canned foods instead of fresh foods, try to find labels that say that the cans are free of BPA.
 3.  If you need tomato products, always avoid canned varieties and search for tomato sauces, pastes, etc in glass bottles instead (unless the can specifically states that it is BPA-free).  Or just make your own tomato dishes from scratch with fresh tomatoes.
 4.  If you use plastic wrap, plastic ziplock bags, plastic containers for food storage, etc, try to investigate on the label if the product is BPA-free or not.  Some brands packaging will label if their products are BPA-free.
 5.  If you for some reason choose to use a microwave with your food (which by the way, microwaved food is thought to have negative health effects), then by all means, do not microwave the food in plastic containers as it can increase the leaching of chemicals including BPA.
 6.  If you drink bottled water, or water from reusable plastic bottles, make sure that it is not a polycarbonate bottle, or make sure that the label says BPA-free. Plastic that shows #7 on the bottom will sometimes contain BPA, but not always.  If a bottle shows "PC" on the bottom, it is made from polycarbonate, so it will contain BPA.  In addition, sometimes aluminum bottles will contain a lining that has BPA, so avoid these.
 7.  Avoid soda cans, as the EWG states analysis showed that 42% of soda cans contained BPA.  Of course, if you care about your health and your body, I'm sure you never drink soda anyway -- it's pure evil for your body... and yes, that includes unhealthy diet soda too, with it's dangerous artificial sweeteners.
 8.  Never use plastic cups for hot liquids such as hot tea or coffee, as this can accelerate leaching of BPA and other chemicals, depending on the type of plastic.
 9.  As much as you can try to avoid BPA and other xenoestrogens, you will most likely still be exposed to some levels of xenoestrogens from various chemicals in your foods (from pesticide/herbicide residues, packaging chemicals, etc), chemicals in your water supply, chemicals from cosmetics, lotions, etc.
However, you can help to protect yourself and counteract these harmful xenoestrogen chemicals in your body with certain powerful phytonutrients in foods like onions, garlic, chamomile and green teas, and cruciferious vegetables.  In fact, read this article to see how 3 specific veggies can help you to fight abdominal fat by counteracting xenoestrogens.
If you stick to most of these guidelines, you can help to protect yourself and your family from the health dangers of bisphenol-A (BPA).  And you can also help protect yourself against the issue of "stubborn abdominal fat" that can be caused by the xenoestrogen effect of BPA exposure too... which I'm sure you'd rather avoid!
Please share this article with your friends and family to help them protect their health from BPA exposure.

Monday, 18 April 2011

Can you guess who said this!

"Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from
people who have the habit of making excuses."

Sunday, 17 April 2011

Exercises for strength building with an exercise ball

Try these exercises for trimming and toning your belly
check with your doctor if you experience pain while doing any of these exercises
Front Body lift
Lie face down on the floor, support your upper body on your elbows,forearms, and hands. Slowly raise the rest of your body off that floor until you maintain your balance on your toes. Keep your body straight, hold for as long as is comfortable, then slowly lower and relax.

HIP Raise
Lie on the floor and place an exercise ball between your bent knees. Left your hip off the floor and bring your knees toward your chest> squeeze the ball for 1 sec then relax.

Leg Raise
Lie ont he floor and raise your lesgs straight up. Place an exercise ball between your knees, then do a slight pelvic tilt from the hips. Squeeeze the exercise ball for 1 sec, then relax.

Pelvic Tilt
Lie on the floor with your arms at your sides,knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Press your lower back to the floor so that your pelvis tilts upward. Strengthen your legs by slowly sliding your heels along the floor and stop when you can no longer hold a full tilt position.;hold for a count of six. next, move one leg at a time back to the starting position, maintaining the pelvic tilt throughout. Hold the starting position for six counts, then relax.
Courtesy of prevention's Women's ultimate guide to Health and wellness 

for more detailed information sign up on contact me

Don't ever give up on your goals!!!!!!!!!!!

Even if our efforts of attention seem for years to be
producing no result, one day a light that is in exact
proportion to them will flood the soul.
—Simone Weil

Saturday, 16 April 2011

something to keep in mind

Denis Waitley once said that "Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude."

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

The weekend realities of weight management.

The weekend realities of weight management.

370 Calories or reasons not to eat that chocolate cake!

Cannot resist the temptation- the tantalizing chocolate filled cookie. Wow! Does seem delicious even writing about it. Now lets find what is in those minimal 370 calories besides FAT and Sugar: Now lets see how we add up the 370 calories of baggage with us after eating or choosing the unhealthy option. So here it goes:
• 10 calories towards not looking at yourself in the mirror
• 25 calories for carrying the feeling of 'feeling like crap!'
• 20 calories of finding clothes that hide the fat (and even then don't fit; HATE it! )
• 35 calories of hating yourself after eating that piece of cake
• 40 calories for loosening the stomach's network of stretch receptors from overeating (technical stuff! don't need to get into details now)
• 45 cals from energy used to get unhooked from sugar cravings
• 16 cals from re-boosting your stamina from crashing after sugar boost (or 220 from Starbucks CafĂ© latte)
• 80 from "Trying" to get back on health and exercise track
• 101 from the message stored in your subconscious mind (I am bound to fail! I have no will power!) Will talk about this more in detail later
Now I am not trying to terrify or scare the bejesus out of you. But did the point hit home for you? What I am trying to do here for you is set as many checkpoints for you on your way to losing weight and being healthy, as possible. Do that for yourself. Once you have achieved your goal to your ideal weight, health or strong body, You can add in you cheat points but until then, make use of the list above to help you stay on track.
Take the right steps to building the strategy that motivates you and pushes you to take the step to a healthier, happier you. Work on creating the Stop-me, Push-me, Motivate-me and Self-care checklists. Find the right support or guide that pushes and motivates you towards your goal. Make TODAY the day when you decide to make that much needed change for better. This is what I used to loose the 75 pounds of extra body fat, weight or emotional baggage that I carried around with me.
Be Healthy and happy!
Always here for you

Tuesday, 29 March 2011

I Can Diet Correctly
Weight loss affirmations can assist you in reducing weight by building
solid self-control and determination, essential ingredients of
successful weight loss program. Regular exercise and diet control are
crucial but weight loss is more of a mental issue. Powerful resources
of human mind can be used for this purpose. Individuals are able to
successfully maintain permanent weight loss.
These are the individuals who were able to control their mind for a
healthy and free weight loss program. For better mind control initially
start being a neutral observer of the thoughts entering your mind.
Then analyze positive and negative thoughts.
Try to guard entry of negative thoughts into your mind. Focus more
on positive thoughts and weight loss affirmations. In your mind
create a mental picture of how you want to look after weight loss.
Next center on your weight loss affirmations with perseverance and
success will be yours. Shape yourself for lasting weight loss through
affirmations for weight loss!

Monday, 28 March 2011

Popular misconceptions about weight loss

Popular misconceptions about weight loss

If there are the different tips and prototypes that are constantly dealt out in society regarding health in general there are also many false premises in staying fit. These false assumptions concerning the steps or practices to stay it may be hazardous for an individual. Worse, one of these false premises may lead to sickness if done improperly to a significant extent.
Fallacy 1: Eating Too Much While Still Young Is Reasonable
We have this common belief that as long as we are still young, we can be indulgent and just eat what we want without moderation. We can always argue anyhow that our young bodies can still take some sort of nutritional abuse and would be able to rectify the consequences afterwards. The truth about this is that though we are actually able to correct such situation, the damage has begun already. Moreover, we don't know at what age our body starts to not be able to restore the optimal health status at entire efficiency. For instance, eating high cholesterol food would have a preemptive effect of deposits in the arteries. Shortly, this would reach a stage wherein the process is irreversible and may cause the life of the individual. Even if there was a reason that ageing is part of life and that even how much we try to choose the right food our bodies would still deteriorate anyway, the thought of why would we hasten the process of ageing by introducing unwanted radicals to our cells should be enough to keep us on decent of thinking.
Fallacy 2: Not Eating Carbohydrates Will Make You Lose Weight Faster
Another more common misconception is that we would be able to slim down faster if we did not eat any food that is rich in carbohydrates. This would account for breads, rice, and other starchy foods. Though it is a fact that these types of food are rich in calories, carbohydrate deprivation won't contribute to faster weight loss. Particular parts of the body would require some foods that come along with carbohydrates in rice and other starches such as Vitamin B complex. Furthermore, sticking to an alternative diet such as pure protein will not help one slim down faster.
Fallacy 3: Starving Will Help You Lose Weight
 A lot more drastic misconception is the belief that Cutting meals would lead to a faster weight loss. Ideally, that should be the case if the aspect of caloric consumption is the only thing to be considered. All the same, there is also another aspect such as an ulcer developing in the gastrointestinal area, or perhaps a retroactive effect on the body of the starving person wherein the body signals the brain that there's nutritive deprivation. The latter would cause the metabolism of the person to slow down significantly to deal with the body’s current situation.  Moreover, if the body is further subjected to much more food deprivation, the body won't be using the fats directly. The surrounding muscle cells will start to take the brunt leading to muscle atrophy. This is just some of the most common fallacies that are freely thought of by the people who have not been decently educated about them. Nonetheless, one of the only eternal aspects of remaining fit is of the self, along its self obligation and self-discipline
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